how to get synthetics monitoring to work in new relic

 how to get synthetics monitoring to work in new relic.

how to get synthetics monitoring to work in new relic.

35 Effective Strategies to Optimize New Relic Synthetic Monitoring for Better Performance


Synthetic monitoring plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning and optimal performance of applications and websites. Among the plethora of tools available, New Relic stands out as a comprehensive solution for synthetic monitoring. However, merely setting up synthetic monitoring in New Relic is not enough; it requires meticulous optimization to derive maximum benefit. In this extensive guide, we will delve into 35 actionable strategies to make your New Relic synthetic monitoring implementation truly effective.

1. Understand Your Monitoring Needs:

Define your monitoring objectives clearly.
Identify critical user journeys and transactions to monitor.

2. Set Realistic Goals:

Establish achievable performance benchmarks.
Define acceptable response times for different transactions.

3. Customize Alerting:

Configure alerts for specific thresholds.
Utilize custom alert conditions based on your application's behavior.

4. Leverage Scripted Browser:

Create custom scripts to simulate user interactions.
Test complex workflows accurately using scripted browser monitors.

5. Use API Tests:

Verify the functionality of backend APIs.
Monitor API response times and status codes.

6. Implement Simple Browser Monitors:

Monitor basic page load times.
Identify performance bottlenecks on the client side.

7. Distributed Monitoring:

Deploy monitors across various geographical regions.
Ensure consistent performance for users worldwide.

8. Utilize Multiple Monitors:

Employ a combination of scripted browser, API, and simple browser monitors.
Gain comprehensive insights into different aspects of application performance.

9. Monitor Third-Party Integrations:

Keep track of external service dependencies.
Identify and troubleshoot issues with third-party integrations.

10. Fine-Tune Monitor Frequency:

Adjust monitor frequency based on the criticality of transactions.
Balance monitoring frequency with resource utilization.

how to get synthetics monitoring to work in new relic.

11. Optimize Monitor Timeout Settings:

Set appropriate timeout values to avoid false positives.
Ensure monitors provide timely alerts without unnecessary delays.

12. Monitor Resource Utilization:

Track server resources during synthetic tests.
Identify resource-intensive transactions.

13. Analyze Historical Data:

Use historical data to identify performance trends.
Plan optimizations based on past performance patterns.

14. Implement Dynamic Thresholds:

Set adaptive alert thresholds based on historical data.
Ensure alerts remain relevant as application usage patterns change.

15. Collaborate Across Teams:

Involve developers, QA engineers, and operations teams in monitoring setup.
Foster collaboration for effective troubleshooting and optimization.

16. Regularly Review and Update Monitors:

Keep monitors up to date with application changes.
Modify monitors to reflect evolving user behaviors and expectations.

17. Utilize Tags for Organizing Monitors:

Tag monitors based on application components or functional areas.
Streamline monitoring management and analysis.

18. Monitor SSL Certificates:

Ensure SSL/TLS certificates are valid and up to date.
Prevent downtime due to expired certificates.

19. Monitor DNS Resolution Times:

Identify DNS-related performance issues.
Optimize DNS settings for faster resolution.

20. Monitor CDN Performance:

Track CDN response times and cache hit rates.
Ensure efficient content delivery to end-users.

21. Monitor Error Rates:

Keep track of error rates for different transactions.
Investigate and resolve issues promptly to maintain a seamless user experience.

22. Monitor Page Load Performance:

Measure page load times for critical pages.
Optimize assets and server configurations for faster load times.

23. Monitor API Response Times:

Track response times for API endpoints.
Ensure APIs meet performance SLAs.

24. Monitor Third-Party Service Dependencies:

Monitor performance metrics for third-party services.
Identify and mitigate dependencies causing performance degradation.

25. Monitor Mobile Performance:

Test application performance on mobile devices.
Optimize responsive design and mobile user experience.

how to get synthetics monitoring to work in new relic.

26. Monitor Browser Compatibility:

Test application performance across different browsers.
Identify and fix issues related to browser-specific behavior.

27. Monitor Single-Page Applications (SPAs):

Ensure smooth navigation within SPAs.
Monitor AJAX requests and client-side rendering performance.

28. Monitor Transaction Flows:

Test end-to-end transaction flows.
Identify bottlenecks in multi-step processes.

29. Monitor User Authentication:

Test login and authentication processes.
Ensure secure and seamless user authentication.

30. Monitor Content Delivery:

Test content delivery network (CDN) performance.
Ensure fast and reliable content delivery to users worldwide.

31. Monitor E-commerce Transactions:

Test the entire checkout process.
Ensure smooth and secure online transactions.

32. Monitor Database Performance:

Test database queries and transactions.
Identify and optimize slow database operations.

33. Monitor Service-Level Objectives (SLOs):

Define and monitor SLOs for critical transactions.
Ensure application performance meets service level agreements (SLAs).

34. Monitor Disaster Recovery:

Test failover and disaster recovery procedures.
Ensure business continuity in case of infrastructure failures.

35. Continuous Improvement:

Regularly review monitoring setup and performance metrics.
Iterate and optimize synthetic monitoring based on changing requirements and feedback.

how to get synthetics monitoring to work in new relic.


Optimizing synthetic monitoring in New Relic is crucial for maintaining the performance and reliability of your applications and websites. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can enhance the effectiveness of your synthetic monitoring setup, identify potential issues proactively, and deliver an exceptional user experience. Remember, synthetic monitoring is not a one-time task; it requires continuous refinement and adaptation to ensure ongoing success.

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